Meme Me

post 9 memeI have always enjoyed this meme because it exemplifies the comical side behind using the GI Bill. I think it is important for veterans to understand that we are attending college at a much older age than our new counterparts. This meme helps show that veterans have experienced a different background than most of the others in the classroom and can bring a different point of view to the class discussions.

I especially find this meme comical because one time I walked into a classroom on the first day of class and noticed the students all sat up and looked at me as if I was the professor.


21 jump street

I chose to upload another meme for this assignment because it over dramatizes the fact that many veterans have been out of school for several years and might have to review and relearn many aspects of school that our new college peers might already be successful in. Although this is an over dramatic and generalization of student veterans that is completely false, it still has the underlying message that student veterans may have extra struggles in class. This is especially true for veterans studying STEM fields. The mathematics classes are statistically proven to cause higher issues for transitioning student veterans. Related to this, the current passing of the #ForeverGIBill allocates extra funding for student veterans studying STEM fields to use after their GI benefits run out.


Please note: I did not use Know Your Meme to find these two memes. Because of the student veteran community is such a small niche, it was harder to find memes that accurately fit the mission of the blog.



Billy Madison Meme

21 Jump Street Meme